Run Command

The Run Command Tool enables AI models to execute shell commands on macOS. This functionality allows tasks to be performed by simply describing the desired action, without the need to recall specific commands. The AI processes the request and executes the appropriate shell commands.


The Run Command tool relies heavily on the $PATH configuration, which enables it to access installed applications and extend its functionalities.

To grant SUPgpt access to all commands on your system, follow these steps:

1. Open the Terminal.

2. Type echo $PATH and press Enter.

3. Copy the output.

4. Paste it into the $PATH field in either the App Settings or the Chat Settings.


Run Command cannot execute commands that require user input. For example, commands that prompt for confirmation, such as Do you want to continue Y/n, will cause the tool to run indefinitely.

If encountering such a command, the process can be terminated by clicking the stop button in the prompt field, which will instantly kill the running process.

Some "Run Command" Uses

  • Run python code

  • Initialize node.js projects

  • Use FFmpeg for video processing

  • Resize and convert images

  • Download files

  • Retrieve system information

  • Use available installed interpreters

  • Make API calls

  • Zip files

  • Search for files

  • Manage packages

  • Perform file operations

  • Check network status

  • Create and manage virtual environments

  • Monitor system resources

  • Schedule tasks

  • Generate SSH keys

  • Compile code

  • Run Docker containers

  • And more

Last updated