
New Chat Defaults

Configure the default settings for all new chats, which will also apply to Quick Chat.


Set the default model to be used in a new chat.

Context Window Limit

Define the context window limit for new chats. Deleting the contents of this field will reset the limit to the maximum allowed for the selected model.

Output Limit

Specify the output limit for new chats. Deleting the contents of this field will set the output limit to unlimited.

Context Window Limit and Output Limit are using tokens.

Available Models

This section provides information about all available models, including the following details:

  • Provider: The source of the model.

  • Max Context Window: The maximum context window for each model.

  • Max Output Limit: The maximum output limit for each model.

  • Tool Usage: Indicates whether the model can utilize additional tools.

Additionally, unused models can be disabled to prevent them from appearing in the model selection dropdown.

Last updated